Creating a Lasting Legacy

For almost 60 years, the Fondation Follereau Luxembourg  dedicated to improving to the future of vulnerable communities. After decades of learning and achievement, the foundation remains true to the values of Raoul Follereau, who famously said: “Happiness is the only thing we can be sure of having when we have given it.”

Leaving a legacy to the Fondation Follereau Luxembourg means helping to create a brighter future with our local partners. Your support ensures that, thanks to your contribution, we can combat exclusion and poverty more effectively and assist more beneficiaries. Together, we can make a lasting impact.

Jean Hilger, Président

Our commitment continues, and many new projects await us and will need to be tackled to provide appropriate and effective support to our beneficiaries. The generosity of our donors will be crucial for continuing these projects and ensuring that the next fifty years are as meaningful as those we leave behind


If you wish to strengthen your support and help build a remarkable project with us, making a bequest is a powerful act of commitment. It extends your wishes and values over time, significantly improving the lives of thousands of people. This precious gesture requires careful thought and time, as it is part of a lifetime journey.

For example, Mr Schmit asked the Fondation Follereau Luxembourg how the funds would be used if he decided to leave a legacy. He wanted to discuss it with a team member and then decide which project he wanted to support.

He finally decided to help a clinic in Benin specialized in treating Buruli ulcer—a neglected tropical disease that mostly affects children up to 15 years old—and organizing awareness activities in the region, so that in the future fewer people are affected by this disease and children benefit from access to healthcare.

Centre de dépistage et de traitement de l’ulcère de Buruli

As a public utility establishment since 1984, the Fondation Follereau Luxembourg is authorized to accept legacies and donations. Legacies and donations can be allocated to one of our intervention areas or specific projects.

We therefore suggest that you contact the foundation, with no obligation to commit, to learn more about the projects and to define with us your wishes and expectations. We can then identify the project(s) that suit you best and consider your contribution over the coming years.

Together, we can ensure the future.

Contact us

Legacies and Accounting Service
Naristé Grün-Sonunbekova
Tel. : (+352) 446606-52

A brochure is also available here.